Friday, July 15, 2011

passion for interior design

saying it is hot outside is an understatement. i feel like im going to shrivel up and die. very soon, right here.
oh, look! a nice tall glass of ice water just sitting there on the table. delicious. satisfying. refreshing.

water- its something none of us can live without. design- its something that i can not live without.

passion. a word that reminds me of why i do what i do. interest. another word for passion, but less powerful. interior design. a subject that has taken over my mind and has given me the ability to contribute to society in a positive way. this is something that from day 1 has brought something i can rely on in my life- something that will never go away.

everyone has different stories about how they became passionate about what career path they have chosen. we've all had that sort of, epiphany, either in  earlier or later years in life. age 11, new house, white walls, family of creative individuals living in a city of blue collar workers who think designing, building, and installing  things is the best thing since sliced bread. that is my story. i was given the opportunity to influence my parents house - their home. our home. this is where we would live. this is where we would make memories. this is where we would function in our daily life. this was the turning point in my life, when i decided that interior design could be the answer to my future.

protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public. yes. this is what i do too. after experiencing a car accident in 2008, i have learned that hospitals TODAY lack the appropriate design to make recovering less stressful and personally invasive. this event was the next biggest impact on my passion for interior design. ADA guidelines are just what they are- guidelines. but after experiencing the space at a different perspective, i now know designers have to really step out of their shoes, walk around in others, and reconsider what we take for granted.

why do i enjoy this? what keeps me interested? knowing that i can bring comfort, happiness and good health to people in a space is just the beginning. after going more in-depth taking college courses on interior design, i have learned that my creative liberty has changed. following codes and guidelines at first did not appeal to me, because i was always able to "think freely", but after some consideration, i find myself embracing these codes and guidelines and have learned it pushes my creative process to make things function even better. my interest has continued in this field because i am continually influenced by new things, new ideas, and new designs. my instructors and the internet have been the most influential connections that have kept me on track. minimalist design, industrial design, LEED certification (going with sustainable design), and ASID are just a few specific influences that have opened my eyes to loving what i do.

if you are a student designer, designer, professional, architect, interior designer, artist, or any kind of creative mind, i would be honored to connect and share ideas together. i appreciate any and all comments, positive, negative, and so forth. i will be graduating in december 2011, so any advice or suggestions about "real world" experience or jobs would be appreciated.



  1. it ISSS SUUUPER hot outside...! residents of florida should receive compensation for the grueling brick oven heatwaves.

    I enjoyed your first blog, and your appreciation for how an Interior Designer should be portrayed, as well as your individual passion. I am highly interested in the "real world" and following this blog.

    Are you interested in venturing into hospital/healthcare system design? ...if so, you may want to have a little chat with mr. prezzz. ;)

  2. This was very interesting to read, how you've seen design on another level. You took something that one never have to go through, and turned it around! Just imagine if you had the accident before knowing ADA guidelines, it's amazing what life throws at us.

  3. to juan - im going with sustainable design practices. and i want to practice minimal design but i am still trying to solve the puzzle on how to achieve that.
