i'm sure some of you are convinced that a house can be built in a weekend - and if you are ignorant enough to believe that, then you need to get off that couch or get out of bed and try building a house yourself. wait, start small. maybe build a dollhouse. then tell me if it takes you only one weekend to complete the entire project. although dollhouses are just proportioned replicas of how real houses are, it may give some insight to others on what really is involved with aspects. don't forget to include lighting ( CHANDELIER ).
www.dheminis.com |
then you can consider electrical, plumbing, heating, cooling, weather factors, budget, accidents, changes, and details. congrats, you are just one minor step toward understanding the process of the chaos.
one weekend might get you a piece of the puzzle. ideas, drafts, sketches, floor plans, approvals, assessments, editing, changing, materials, budget, electricians, builders, contractors, plumbers, lighting specialist, furniture specification, material specification, architects, interior designers, engineers, elevations, sections, details, heating, cooling, light fixture specification, code requirements, .... what are you doing this weekend?
someone wants a new kitchen for $2,000. ummmm hello are you dumb? lets just take a look at HOME DEPOT to see what we can do with $2,000.
someone wants a complete room makeover for $100. yeah okay we can go thrifting but then take in the time it takes to do that, the travel costs, the resources, etc. paint and bedding alone costs about $100.or just go HERE* to see what other randoms have come up with.
look, i know its all television and hype, but seriously people, lets consider using our brain.